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Taipingshan, also known as Taiping Mountain, is one of Taiwan’s most popular and appealing mountain resorts. Located in Yilan County, it offers a delightful blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

you can enjoy both natural hot springs and the unique experience of cooking eggs in the warm waters. The process is simple: place your eggs or corn in a bamboo basket, submerge it in the hot spring, and wait for the magic to happen! The result? Deliciousl

Bong-Bong Train is a charming attraction in the Tai Ping Shan National Forest Recreation Area.

Originally used for transporting logs, this narrow-gauge railway has a fascinating history. It winds through lush forests, bridges, and scenic landscapes

Visitors can hop aboard the open-air carriages, which lack windows, allowing them to breathe in the fresh forest air and embrace nature’s beauty

Visitors can hop aboard the open-air carriages, which lack windows, allowing them to breathe in the fresh forest air and embrace nature’s beauty

Visitors can hop aboard the open-air carriages, which lack windows, allowing them to breathe in the fresh forest air and embrace nature’s beauty

Visitors can hop aboard the open-air carriages, which lack windows, allowing them to breathe in the fresh forest air and embrace nature’s beauty

Visitors can hop aboard the open-air carriages, which lack windows, allowing them to breathe in the fresh forest air and embrace nature’s beauty

The journey covers approximately 3 kilometers from Tai Ping Shan Station to 茂興 (Maoxing) Station. Don’t miss this unique experience when you visit!

The Central Staircase in Tai Ping Shan (Mount Tai Ping) is a famous trail near the Tai Ping Shan Lodge in Yilan, Taiwan. It’s known for its vibrant maple trees, particularly the purple-leaf maples that line both sides of the staircase.

The Central Staircase in Tai Ping Shan (Mount Tai Ping) is a famous trail near the Tai Ping Shan Lodge in Yilan, Taiwan. It’s known for its vibrant maple trees, particularly the purple-leaf maples that line both sides of the staircase.

The Central Staircase in Tai Ping Shan (Mount Tai Ping) is a famous trail near the Tai Ping Shan Lodge in Yilan, Taiwan. It’s known for its vibrant maple trees, particularly the purple-leaf maples that line both sides of the staircase.

The Central Staircase in Tai Ping Shan (Mount Tai Ping) is a famous trail near the Tai Ping Shan Lodge in Yilan, Taiwan. It’s known for its vibrant maple trees, particularly the purple-leaf maples that line both sides of the staircase.

The Central Staircase in Tai Ping Shan (Mount Tai Ping) is a famous trail near the Tai Ping Shan Lodge in Yilan, Taiwan. It’s known for its vibrant maple trees, particularly the purple-leaf maples that line both sides of the staircase.

hese maples turn dark purple and deep red during spring, summer, and fall (from March to October), creating a stunning red carpet effect. In winter, they shed their leaves, adding to the picturesque scenery.

hese maples turn dark purple and deep red during spring, summer, and fall (from March to October), creating a stunning red carpet effect. In winter, they shed their leaves, adding to the picturesque scenery.

hese maples turn dark purple and deep red during spring, summer, and fall (from March to October), creating a stunning red carpet effect. In winter, they shed their leaves, adding to the picturesque scenery.

hese maples turn dark purple and deep red during spring, summer, and fall (from March to October), creating a stunning red carpet effect. In winter, they shed their leaves, adding to the picturesque scenery.

hese maples turn dark purple and deep red during spring, summer, and fall (from March to October), creating a stunning red carpet effect. In winter, they shed their leaves, adding to the picturesque scenery.

The staircase has a total of 418 steps, connecting the Tai Ping Shan Lodge, the original forest park, and the wooden boardwalk. It’s a must-visit spot for nature enthusiasts and hikers

見晴古道 (Jianqing Historic Trail) is a captivating path within the Tai Ping Shan National Forest Recreation Area in Yilan

Along the way, you’ll encounter remnants of the old logging railway, including wooden bridges, stone crossings, and railroad tracks covered in moss. These evoke a sense of nostalgia and tell the story of the area’s past.

Towards the end of the trail, you’ll find a suspension bridge that adds an element of adventure. It’s a single-lane bridge, so be prepared for a short wait during peak hours.

Lookout points offer panoramic vistas of the Lanyang Plain and the majestic Snow Mountain Range (聖稜線). On clear days, you might even witness a mesmerizing sea of clouds.

Lookout points offer panoramic vistas of the Lanyang Plain and the majestic Snow Mountain Range (聖稜線). On clear days, you might even witness a mesmerizing sea of clouds.

Lookout points offer panoramic vistas of the Lanyang Plain and the majestic Snow Mountain Range (聖稜線). On clear days, you might even witness a mesmerizing sea of clouds.

Lookout points offer panoramic vistas of the Lanyang Plain and the majestic Snow Mountain Range (聖稜線). On clear days, you might even witness a mesmerizing sea of clouds.

Lookout points offer panoramic vistas of the Lanyang Plain and the majestic Snow Mountain Range (聖稜線). On clear days, you might even witness a mesmerizing sea of clouds.


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